Leverage wealth and build a legacy for your business with registered trademarks. This consumer driven owners’ guide is your three-step path to bullet proof your online brand assets from bricks to clicks, offline and on.
Registered trademarks begin at the intersection where selection meets protection.
Stake out your claim to safeguard assets against cybersquatters, domain hijackers, and trademark bullies
Protect the life of your brand by establishing proper use, maintaining rights, and practicing market vigilance
What is a trademark and does your business need one?
The step-by-step process to register your brand assets.
Find a professional advisor when you need one - side-step bad advice.
How to select a memorable brand that merits legal protection.
Side-step common pitfalls and avoid the pain of rejection.
Avoid being scammed and duped by dishonest opportunists.
Cheryl Hodgson, a leading trademark attorney pulls back the curtain for entrepreneurs to share what the pros know. She has carefully reimagined tried and proven trademark principles and presents them in easy to understand language. This guide which will empower you to grow and leverage wealth using Intellectual Property to create a legacy for you and your business.
A few smart moves early in the life of your business is an investment in the life and health of your brand. Avoid a world of pain the risk of loss. Market your business with a strength and integrity that makes a greater impact in the world, and upon those you serve.